Monday, May 26, 2014

"You've changed our lives…I hope you know that."

This week was remarkable...  the most frustrating thing about the mission is that it is pretty much impossible to explain what it really feels like.  Only your companion knows exactly what happened and how real all the miracles were...  but I'll do my best to try to express myself!
Karine and Christophe...  I don't even know what to say.  Just that, there is no way that Soeur Tupai and I did this by ourselves...this is truly the Lord's work!  This week we had a family home evening with them at the bishop's house, they started the Book of Mormon and...the ENTIRE family came to church.  They told us the day before that it would just be Karine, like last week...she said she'd be there at 10...but by 10:30 she wasn't there and I was getting pretty anxious.  Then the usher came and pulled us out of Sunday School and I will never forget the sight of all of them, walking through the front doors (dressed in Sunday clothes), with the children Collette and Martin!  They filed into Sunday School and Frère Rulence gave the most amazing lesson, talking about his conversion…the spirit was incredible.  Then sacrament meeting was a tearjerker.  The Primary/Young Men's/Young Women's, did a special Mother's day program (Mother's day in France was yesterday).  Karine loved it.  Then at the end all the men went out into the hallway and came back with roses for all the women.  It was the PERFECT first Sunday for the family!  At the end, Christophe told us, "You've changed our lives...I hope you know that."  Can a missionary hear any sweeter words than that?  He also asked,  "Did you pray that we would all be here today?"  "Yes!" we answered, "like 10 times at least."  Such a beautiful, beautiful day.  I think I can say it was the most wonderful day I've had so far on my mission, (which means the most wonderful day of my life...)
Also I got a Mother's day surprise last night...  I'm going to be a mom! (meaning I'm training a brand new missionary, mission lingo...weird, I know).  hahaha the assistant, Elder Everett, who called me last night, ended by saying... "President, Elder Price and I know that you are going to be a great district lead---- I mean, trainer!  Trainer, not district leader...not yet, haha."  That was hilarious... Yep so I'm excited/nervous to go get my bleue (greenie) Wednesday morning.  I hope I can be a good mom.  I'm also really sad that Soeur Tupai is leaving!  I absolutely adore her...  She is going to Nogent, so we will still be in the same zone!  Wahooo!
Until next time!  Love you all!

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