It's pretty strange-- throughout the week I find myself noting a million things I want to write in my blog, but as soon as I'm sitting in this little internet café my mind goes blank... I promise that cool things happen all the time!
Okay I'll just start with what I remember:)
Yesterday was sooo great! We met this really sweet Chinese girl named Loma awhile back and had a lesson with her last Sunday. She came to church yesterday! She stayed all three hours and then stayed after for a Family Home Evening with the Pahio family. It was about 5 hours in total, she is such a trooper! haha. But it was truly an amazing experience. The Pahio family just GLOWS with the spirit. We watched the "together forever" video and Soeur Pahio bore strong, loving testimony. Me and Soeur Kohlert just lost it, it was beautiful. We really are children of a Heavenly Father. And we really can live with our families forever, no matter where they are right now--Tahiti, China, Utah, or on the other side. Loma was very very touched. She even offered the closing prayer in Chinese. Soeur Pahio gave her a picture of Christ, and Loma was so surprised by her kindness. The Pahio really are an example of being Christlike. Members are wayy more powerful than they realize. Soeur Pahio has no idea what that meant to Loma, but I do. I watched her look again and again at the picture, holding it so carefully and saying how wonderful and nice soeur Pahio was. Loma said that she felt the Spirit. She also really loves hymns:) I just want to encourage all of you to reach out to others. You never know how your words and actions will affect them... no matter how small and insignificant you think they are. So dare to be Christlike. Be kind. Share the gospel. Smile. It goes a long long way :)
In relation to that, did you all get the chance to watch the big missionary broadcast "The Work of Salvation?" Wow! It was so wonderful and inspiring. And it is so true, the missionaries can't do very much without members. There are many many more missionaries right now, don't let their sacrifice to leave their families be in vain. Use them! They want to work, I promise:) Great conference... I even saw my friend Sister Mortensen in one of the videos! She is famous, which I'm pretty sure means I'm famous by association, no? haha, kidding kidding.
I'm so so so excited for my brother Evan who got his visa to Argentina! He is flying out today. He is going to do so great. He's already been doing so well out in Oklahoma:)
What else happened this week? Well Soeur Kohlert and I have been a wee bit stressed lately because of all these baptisms coming up! It's a lot of work... pray for us! We got a new Elder here in Rennes, Elder Thomas. Elder Lehrdal was transferred to Athony, right outside of Paris. He was so excited!
Oh we stopped by Fatima and Pascal this week. They are just so wonderful. haha Pascal is funny. Apparently he makes documentaries for a living. He said he wanted to make one of us! I don't know how serious he is... he also has an interesting hobby...he works with bees! Like he has some hives and collects the honey. haha and he said he'd take us to see them! Oh and we found out that Fatima cuts hair...that is wonderful news because Soeur Kohlert and I are in dire need. She said she'd trim our hair and she also sent us aways with delicious Moroccan bread and this almond/peanut/sesame seed goodness. We are hoping they'll come to church soon. Also, Fatima's brother is interested in talking to us! He is in Morroco, but they'll call him next time we are over.
Oh wow, now I'm remembering all the crazy things that happened this week, but I have to go! haha, don't worry I got the highlights down.
Also, I got a wonderful package with a bunch of adorable letters from the Camacho family. Thanks a million, you are all so sweet:)
Until next week! And happy 4th!
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